MRO Australaisa 2023 is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC

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MRO Australaisa 2023
May 17-18, 2023
Brisbane, Australia

Lloyd Armstrong

Project Manager
Flying Colours Aviation


Project Manager for Flying Colours Aviation, Lloyd has over 20 years experience in aircraft and component MRO specialising in painting and corrosion control. With a trade background, Lloyd extensive knowledge and experience on the repainting process has enabled progression of his career from production, through all aspects of the business such as procurement, safety, environmental, training, business development and project management.

Dedicated to quality and continuous improvement, Lloyd is constantly seeking ways to enhance efficiency and safety by leveraging advancements in technology to refine the repainting process. He has pioneered the use of cutting-edge equipment and innovative techniques to deliver superior outcomes for FCA’s commercial and defence customers, setting a new standard in aircraft repainting.


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