MRO Australaisa 2023 is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC

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MRO Australaisa 2023
May 17-18, 2023
Brisbane, Australia

Troy Marshall

Managing Director


Troy commenced his career in airline maintenance in the early 90’s as an Engineer in Brisbane with Flight West Airlines before progressing to major airlines and MROs in the Pacific, Asia, Australia and the Middle East. He holds multiple NAA Part 66 Licences with ratings on types from most of the major manufactures. He also holds Instructor qualifications from Trinity College, Dublin and Airbus Training Center, Toulouse, all of which he complements with additional qualifications and experience in Safety & Quality.

In 2017 Troy joined Pacific Air Express as the Engineering Manager on their AOC start-up team and oversee implementation of the technical departments. Once achieved, he took up the Part 145 Post Holder role.

In 2021 Troy founded ECO MRO to provide ‘Sustainable Aircraft Maintenance Solutions’ for clients looking to integrate efficiencies into their operations. Troy and his business partner lead a team of experienced aviation professionals that to date have provided solutions to their clients in multiple countries worldwide.

Being passionate about efficient operations and environment has led Troy to see our industry as a closed loop ecosystem where we all need to work together to find the most sustainable solutions for our individual operations.


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