Group Captain (GPCAPT) Mahoney returned to the RAAF as a Reservist in February 2021 after being invited by the Australian DoD’s Capability Acquisition & Sustainment Group to join its ‘Air Domain – Executive Advisory Panel’.
Previously, David was the ‘Director of Military Business – Asia-Pacific Region’ for the ‘GE Aviation Systems’ company. David joined the ‘Smiths Aerospace’ company in 2005, which morphed
into ‘GE Aviation Systems’ when acquired by GE Aviation in 2007.
David served in the RAAF for 26 years prior to joining GE/Smiths. He graduated from the RAAF Academy as an Aeronautical Engineer and worked in several challenging leadership/management roles in the fields of aircraft maintenance/upgrades, engine upgrades, aircraft/systems engineering, configuration management, aircraft/systems certification, project management & logistics. David ‘retired’ from the RAAF with the rank of Wing Commander in 2005 after completing a tour as ‘Commanding Officer’ in the ‘F-111 Systems Program Office’ at RAAF Base Amberley.